sudo /usr/local/bin/mysql_secure_installation And yes this is also important for a local installation. brew install brew link -force last thing you need to do is start the service and ensure it autostart in the future with brew services start save your installation you have to execute the following command. rm -rf /usr/local/var/mysql rm -rf /usr/local/etc/my.cnf Install MySQL 5.7 with brew You should then delete all folders and files from previous installations. brew uninstall been my experience that the first thing to do is to restart your Mac. If you already have a version of MySQL installed or have problems with your existing installation, you must first uninstall MySQL and cleanly remove it from your Mac. First uninstall an older version of MySQL It will instruct you if you need to correct anything. You should probably also run the following command to ensure everything is configured correctly: brew doctor Now you should see something like that: Homebrew 2.3.0 Homebrew/homebrew-core (git revision 488dc9 last commit 2020–06–07) Homebrew/homebrew-cask (git revision 54662 last commit 2020–06–07)

Please check with the following command if brew has been successfully installed: brew -version To install it, please open your terminal and run: /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL )" xcode-select -install Brewīrew ( ) is the missing package manager for macOS. If you have not yet installed XCode, please install the XCode Command Line Tools. Please follow these steps to install MySQL: XCode Command Line Tools In this guide you will learn about MySQL 5.7. The communication with the local database is usually faster than to an external database. For the local development of a website, you usually need a local installation of MySQL in a specific version.